Whitney Stefko Dover is a Lawyer turned Digital Nomad with Three Tips for Fellow Business Owners | Ep. 144 | Business Podcast

Whitney Stefko Dover is a Lawyer turned Digital Nomad with Three Tips for Fellow Business Owners
Whitney Stefko Dover is a Lawyer turned Digital Nomad with Three Tips for Fellow Business Owners


Whitney was in episode #3 of Build a Business Success Secrets Podcast where she shared her story how she quit a career as a corporate attorney and become a digital nomad. 

You’ll want to go back to episode #3 and listen to her story and what’s she’s learned about building a business. In the meantime…

Here’s her three HPT’s (high percentage tips) for you. We love all her HPT’s and especially her Hustle or Flow.

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Hello Friends, Welcome to the show. 

Today we’re doing a rewind while we work on our new season with our new name Edge, you’re going to love what’s coming in the meantime we’re going back to episode number three where Whitney shares three of her tips for fellow business owners like yourself And you’ll want to go all the way back to episode #3 to listen to the full episode. 

It’s a little long, at about an hour and 15 minutes, but when he was a career attorney who basically one day just got tired of it all and decided she was going to become a digital nomad and build different businesses than working in a corporate environment and you can hear how she did it, her journey along the way and a whole bunch of other tips beyond what you’re going to hear hear in this episode Where she shares her three tips that she learned so far. 

Here we go, welcome to build a business success secrets. 

The only podcast that provides straight talk for entrepreneurs whether you’re an entrepreneur, starting with an idea or growing your business. 

This show is for you, we’ll teach you how to build a strong mindset, powerful body and profitable business so you can achieve success and here’s your host Brandon See White, So the three, the three big things that I just think are imperative for life, success, human success, business success, any of the success Number one is to fill your cup, I think that so many people get into the entrepreneurial journey, they do that whole struggle porn thing and really it takes a big toll on not only your body but your mental health and I think that if you’re not recharging every day by filling your cup, whether that is health and wellness, whether that’s nutrition, whether that’s water, sleep, mindset, meditation, breaths, any of those things, any and all of those things you can’t pour from an empty cup. 


So I think filling your cup is first and foremost, no matter what path in life that you’re doing. 


I think that’s Number one for sure, number two and this this phrase I almost said it during the call to, but I thought I’d save it for now. 


This race comes from a good friend of mine. 


Um I wish I could take credit for it, but it’s really just embracing the struggle. 


I think that we as humans have this tendency to want to live in comfort zones and want to be always in a place of just everything’s hunky dory and status quo and I think that some real value and growth comes from embracing the hard times and embracing this trouble and really making that a part of not only your journey, but the idea that it’s not necessarily going to be easy and that you can still find joy within that journey. 


The last H. 






That I have has to do with identifying whether or not you’re in hustle or you’re in slow and I think that that speaks a little bit too whether or not you’re being just busy. 


Which I would identify more in the hustle or whether you’re actually doing things to move the needle forward which I identify more as slow. 


And I think there’s a big difference between the two. 


I think making sure that you’re setting your sights on some really tangible projects and goals and then creating an actual step by step business plan. 


As Brandon will probably tell you about creating a step by step. 


Business plan for yourself is to have everyone accomplish those things and then moving the needle in some way every single day instead of just being a taskmaster so that you are in that state of flow instead of just constant state of hustle. 


I was a my self proclaimed recovering taskmaster myself. 


So I think making sure that you’re actually doing some steps every day to move the needle forward to whatever your dreams are. 


Not to sound too dreaming big and all of that good stuff. 


But I think making sure that you’re actually existing in that state of flow and not just in that state of puzzle is super important. 


So those are my three H. 








I am really grateful because those are awesome and I think they’re absolutely all true and the all three are equally important. 


I can relate to the hustle and the flow. 


I think you’ve got to be able to, the last thing your last H. 






Is really important because if you don’t Get something that moves that you do not have to move 10% of that, you can move 0.5%. 


You just got to move forward otherwise you go to bed at night not feeling like you accomplished something which then raises your anxiety which then raises I mean you and I probably we’re both passionate about that. 


Launch into like another three hour podcast on how your course all levels increase and then how that turns into a bad situation and but really important. 


And those are great tips and I thank you so much for. 


I mean I mean listen I I I pride myself on having these checklists and I didn’t I didn’t have that because it’s such a good you shared so much and I’m so grateful for it. 


I didn’t think about this, but those are awesome. 


Uh thanks for being generous with your time and joining us for this episode of build a business success secrets before we go, Let me ask you a quick question, Are you the type of person who wants to get 100% out of your time talent and ideas? 


If so you’ll love our monthly built a business success secrets newsletter. 


It’s a monthly playbook about the inner game of building a successful business. 


Recent issues have shown how to avoid losing money on Facebook. 


and Instagram paid ads with this science-backed strategy, how to build a pitch deck to raise money in 13 simple slides three tips. 


The monks used to improve concentration and get more done in less time, a five step process to survive and thrive when things get tough, How to optimize your sales team to grow your revenue in tons of other actionable, high percentage mind, body and business building tips and tricks. 


As a fellow entrepreneur who’s aiming for nothing short of success, you owe it to yourself to subscribe, check out the special offer with bonuses for you. 


Act be success Secrets dot com. 


That’s B as in business success secrets dot com and until the next episode, remember you are just one business plan away, I’m rooting for your success

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