File Finder

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Dunamis Founders Group

Founding Member

Dunamis: Ancient Greek: δύναμις
A Greek philosophical concept meaning “power”, “potential” or “ability”, and is central to the Aristotelian idea of potentiality and actuality.

A mastermind for business owners doing over $1m/year in revenue who want to 10x their Power, Potential and Ability.

The group meets monthly online in a confidential setting where we share goals, successes and get help from one another. The group meets once a year in person for a three day session. Inquire for sponsorship from me if interested.

How to write a business plan

How to Build a Business Plan in 11 Slides Online Course

I’ve successfully taught over 1,500 students this course. And I used to teach it to Daymond John and Robert Herjavec’s, from Shark Tank, students.

It’s designed for entrepreneurs starting a company, business owners growing their company and intrapreneurs working on launching a new product or service in Fortune 1000 or similar company.

I used to charge as much as $5,000 for the course. A lot of people helped me achieve the success I have that didn’t have to.

So I now pay it forward and give the full course away for free if you want to take it on a self directed basis.

If you want to take it live I teach it once a year or you can hire the business consulting company I own and oversee to build it for you.

Inquire for details.