Jenna and Jeremy Chipps are Digital Nomads and Share Their Top Tips | Ep. 152 | Business Podcast | Business Podcast

Jenna and Jeremy Chipps are Digital Nomads and Share Their Top Tips
Jenna and Jeremy Chipps are Digital Nomads and Share Their Top Tips


Back from episode #49 where Jenna and Jeremy Chipps shared how they found the courage to sell everything, buy an RV, start a travel blog, and live the digital nomad life.

In this episode they share their top tips for people who want to become digital nomads.

Check out our full conversation in episode 49. 

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Hello Friends, Welcome to the show. 

Today we’re doing a recap with Jenna and Jeremy from quench your adventure, We had them on the show back in episode 49 and Jenna and Jeremy decided to get rid of their house by an RV and travel around and Jeremy has a sales job and china is a teacher and I’m still following them on instagram. 

I see them all the time. 

They were originally students of Our build a business plan and pitch deck in 13 slide course and put it all together and made it happen. 

I remember talking to them about if they had an email list and at the time they didn’t and they since they built that list and this thing could turn into a full time job for them. 

They’re basically traveling nomads blogging about their experience about living in an RV and all the places they go and it’s actually pretty cool. 

So in this episode, Jenna and Jeremy drop their three H. P. T. S. High percentage tips and you’re gonna find that number one is easier than you think and if you enjoy these three H. 

P. T. S. You’ll love Our conversation in episode # 49 where Jenna and Jeremy lay out exactly what their thought process was and what they did to make their nomad life that they dreamed of a reality. 

Here we go. 

Welcome to build a business success secrets. 

The only podcast that provides straight talk for entrepreneurs whether you’re an entrepreneur, starting with an idea or growing your business. 

This show is for you, we’ll teach you how to build a strong mindset, powerful body and profitable business so you can achieve success and here’s your host Brandon. 

See White, can you give us three H. 


Pts for running a side hustle and going mobile? 


Sure a lot of them have kind of been revealed through this great conversation. 


But I think the first one is authenticity and we talked a lot about that. I don’t know if you have anything else specific people will see through you if you’re just trying to get by them and trying to use them or take their money. No, like you’re just you’re committing a relationship and showing the real nous and being on honest and upfront about things whether that’s relationships your business, your brand collapse, whatever. 


Just be honest because then you’ll never get caught in a line, you’ll never feel like you’re being a hypocrite yourself. Yeah, morally be honest with yourself, what’s working, what’s not what you’re good at. 


And a second, number two is you cannot be everything to everyone. It is so easy to want everyone to follow us and like what we’re doing, but you still get hateful comments, you know, still for whatever reason we have these percentages, demographics blah blah blah. But the point is but don’t try to satisfy everybody because it will not work, try to get as clear as possible about who likes what you’re doing and keep doing things that they will like and that match up with what you’re good at. 


And then the third one we had said it was specifically to like a niche and, but you’re good at. 


So I guess that pairs the nsc of jOHn strong jewel. 


There’s no for your podcast. 


You really want to send out emails. 


Well we want to really work on our youtube and our instagram and email starring, but like stick to what you’re good at and stick to the niche and don’t be all over the place. 


Like we’re a travel couple RV life people. 


I’m not going to start showing you all this, I don’t know, grass cutting lawn mowing company stuff and like I don’t know dog tips. 


We don’t have a dog. So we need to stick to what new york. 


Thanks for being generous with your time and joining us for this episode of build a business success secrets before we go. Let me ask you a quick question, Are you the type of person who wants to get 100% out of your time talent and ideas If so you’ll love our monthly built a business success secrets newsletter. 


It’s a monthly playbook about the inner game of building a successful business. 


Recent issues have shown how to avoid losing money on Facebook and Instagram paid ads with this science-backed strategy, how to build a pitch deck to raise money in 13 simple slides three tips. 


The monks used to improve concentration and get more done in less time, a five step process to survive and thrive when things get tough, how to optimize your sales team to grow your revenue in tons of other actionable, high percentage mind, body and business building tips and tricks. 


As a fellow entrepreneur who is aiming for nothing short of success, you owe it to yourself to subscribe, check out the special offer with bonuses for you at be success Secrets dot com. 


That’s B as in business success secrets dot com and until the next episode, remember you are just one business plan away. 


I’m rooting for your success

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