Getting Out of Your Own Way

Getting Out of Your Own Way

A king wanted to pick the wisest man among his subjects to be his prime minister. When the search finally narrowed down to three men, he decided to...

Love, Loss and Customer Service

Love, Loss and Customer Service

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” — Dr. Seuss. It’s great advice and so true, but hard as heck to do sometimes. My wife...

How Do You Compare to Your Peers?

How Do You Compare to Your Peers?

The Inc 5000 for 2022 was recently released. Every year they survey Founders and CEO’s and ask them a host of questions ranging from what they say...

An Honest Look at Inflation

An Honest Look at Inflation

All the news articles you read are reporting that inflation is going through the roof and the world is about to end. Those headlines will earn...

Q2 2022 Venture Financing Report

Q2 2022 Venture Financing Report

Cooley released their Q2 2022 venture financing report. Their report is a great indicator of what’s happing in the VC space because they are the...

How Font Size Affects An Audience

How Font Size Affects An Audience

Results from Changing the Font in My Email Last Week Last week a segment of my email list received their newsletter email with an increased font...

YouTube Stats that Will Blow Your Mind

YouTube Stats that Will Blow Your Mind

We’ve been working on the EDGE YouTube channel (if you check it out please subscribe because we need 100 subscribers to get a custom URL which would...

The Metaverse

The Metaverse

Everyone is talking about the metaverse and I was curious about how it all translates into sales and projected marketsize. Here's what's happening:...