File Finder Income Reports

File Finder Income Reports

PROJECT​ File Finder ELEVATOR PITCH​ We help you find files you know you have, but can’t find, faster. BLUF​ Having two engineers is greatly helping us AND it has taken four months longer than expected to get through our Google security audit because of legacy...
File Finder Income Report for February and Month To Date

File Finder Income Report for February and Month To Date

PROJECT File Finder ELEVATOR PITCH We help you find files you know you have, but can’t find, faster BLUF Major progress with getting another full time (FT) engineer on board. In this update: Doing monthly updates vs.daily or weekly Financial update HR Updates Product...
Don’t Call Me a Start-up

Don’t Call Me a Start-up

Don’t call me a start-up. Imagine one of the important devices in your life has a rechargeable battery that had one too many charges and is at the end of it’s life. You are at the end of your rope having to plug it in at every outlet you encounter. On the...

21 Pieces of Start-Up Advice from a Bike Racing Entrepreneur

I took up road biking and racing a little over a year and half ago and it’s been a great journey learning something totally new to me. Road bike racing, whether at the club or circuit level, is a chess game and it tests your mental fortitude, physical endurance...

A New Type of Company – A Benefit Corporation

I was at the Maryland State House last week with the Governor of Maryland, Senator Raskin and bCorp founders for the signing of SB690. Lateral Line, a company I started with my brother, was a founding member of a type of company that strives for a triple bottom line....