File Finder Income Reports

File Finder Income Reports

PROJECT​ File Finder ELEVATOR PITCH​ We help you find files you know you have, but can’t find, faster. BLUF​ Having two engineers is greatly helping us AND it has taken four months longer than expected to get through our Google security audit because of legacy...
File Finder Income Report for February and Month To Date

File Finder Income Report for February and Month To Date

PROJECT File Finder ELEVATOR PITCH We help you find files you know you have, but can’t find, faster BLUF Major progress with getting another full time (FT) engineer on board. In this update: Doing monthly updates vs.daily or weekly Financial update HR Updates Product...
How to Write a Business Plan

How to Write a Business Plan

How to Write a Business Plan [updated for September 2022] How to Write a Business Plan updated for Sept 2022. Updated image being made In this article I show you how to write a business plan in just 13 slides. This will allow you to build the modern business plan you...