Million Dollar Lesson from Bug Spray

Million Dollar Lesson from Bug Spray

There once was a man who invented a universal bug spray. It worked on virtually every kind of pesky bug you could imagine. One spray, and within seconds…dead bug. He bottled it up and sold it in a local store. “Universal Bug Spray. Kills ALL Bugs. One Spray is all you...
A Marketing Plan That Fits on a Notecard

A Marketing Plan That Fits on a Notecard

The quest to make things less complicated, short, but useful, is one I’ve been on since embarking on writing a book. Well, correction, for lifetime. And… When you come across something so simple and useful it’s refreshing. I read a version of the below Marketing Plan...
How To Get Customers To Love Your Brand

How To Get Customers To Love Your Brand

The bad news first. Today, Saturday, we’re deleting 3,252 people off our email list. From a vanity perspective this hurts! We’ll be at 14,207 subscribers. The good news. With 17,459 subscribers we have been averaging a 40% open rate. For reference, the average email...