Lesson Learned from Changing the Plan that Will Help You

Lesson Learned from Changing the Plan that Will Help You

As a kid growing up in Maryland I was born with a lacrosse stick in my hand. It’s a thing like basketball and football are in the midwest. ​ There were no participation trophies, it was game on to win from your elementary school team, to 7-8th grade, to high...
Getting Out of Your Own Way

Getting Out of Your Own Way

A king wanted to pick the wisest man among his subjects to be his prime minister. When the search finally narrowed down to three men, he decided to put them to the supreme test. He placed them together in a room in the palace. On the room door he had a lock installed...
Love, Loss and Customer Service

Love, Loss and Customer Service

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” — Dr. Seuss. It’s great advice and so true, but hard as heck to do sometimes. My wife Ivette wrote that this past week as we both we lost a piece of our heart. Ivette found Zippy fifteen and a half years ago at...
How Font Size Affects An Audience

How Font Size Affects An Audience

Results from Changing the Font in My Email Last Week Last week a segment of my email list received their newsletter email with an increased font size. The idea came about because I was catching up on some email newsletters that I subscribe to and one of the things...
What You Need To Know About The Effects of Salary Transparency

What You Need To Know About The Effects of Salary Transparency

Tomasz Obloj of HEC Paris and Todd Zenger from the University of Utah’s business school compiled the salaries of almost 100,000 US-based academics in eight states over a period of 14 years. Their findings show that pay transparency had a big effect on both pay equity,...