Brian Hahn Co-Founder of Nomad on His Top Tips to Bootstrap a Business | Ep. 158 | Business Podcast

Brian Hahn Co-Founder of Nomad on His Top Tips to Bootstrap a Business
Brian Hahn Co-Founder of Nomad on His Top Tips to Bootstrap a Business


Brian Hahn Co-founded Nomad with his business partner Noah Dentzel nine years ago. They’ve bootstrapped the company since it’s inception.

In episode #130 Brian and I talked about how he and Noah have been able to do it and sustain their growth. 

In this episode Brian gives his high percentage tips for fellow founders. Check the full episode for a packed discussion about how to bootstap a business.

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Hello Friends, welcome to the show. Today we’re sharing brian hans three H. P. T. S. Brian is co founder of Nomad a company that makes some of the coolest accessories for your phone, your computer and your tablets located down in santa barbara California. 


And we had a great conversation back in episode 1 30. So if you enjoy brian’s three H. P. T. S, high percentage tips go back and listen to our conversation where he shares how they got Nomad started with just one product, one product and now they are doing tens of millions of dollars in sales. 


You’re going to love his three H. P. T. S. And again if you enjoy them jump back to episode 1 30 here we go. 


Welcome to build a business success secrets. The only podcast that provides straight talk for entrepreneurs whether you’re an entrepreneur starting with an idea or growing your business. This show is for you. We’ll teach you how to build a strong mindset, powerful body and profitable business so you can achieve success. 


And here’s your host Brendan See White. What three piece of advice do you have for fellow business owners out there on any any topic to withstand the marathon that it takes to build a real successful business. 


I think the thing that scares me the most and I know everyone wants it is um passive income and lifestyle business sounds fucking great but you’ve got to get there so get there first and then kind of soak it up later. 


I find a lot of people trying to soak it up before they have actually really gotten anything started and I have never seen that work. 




You know even even doing making passive incomes hard or starting your own little thing is really, really hard, like I don’t care if it’s your pouring sand in a mason jar and selling it online, like it’s going to be hard, hard and you expect so you know maybe it’s not a great time to get a puppy or maybe you put off the family planning for a little bit, you know like it is going to be your everything if you want to get it to the point where it actually is like solving its business goal, it’s actually making you money and it’s happening. 


So expect to sacrifice, I’d say do whatever you can to get on the best pieces of technology is early as possible. 


It’s worth it to get on the good email platform vs The free funky one because these, you’re making a decision of like what is the architecture of your business for a very long time in switching is painful so like don’t go on some funky cheaper e commerce option, just go shop. 


If I just go Shopify, use good tools because they’re going to be your backbone and then probably get really good at recognizing what you’re not good at and try to find other people that are good at that I used to try to do too many things that I wasn’t good at and it’s cringe easy to look at it now. 


Like looking back like, wow, I should not have been doing that, but I should been doing more of what I was going to. 


So I think that I really appreciate those are three great tips for survival of the journey if you will of building and business. 


Thanks for being generous with your time and joining us for this episode of build a business success secrets before we go. 


Let me ask you a quick question, Are you the type of person who wants to get 100% out of your time? 


Talent and ideas? 


If so, you’ll love our monthly built a business Success secrets newsletter. 


It’s a monthly playbook about the inner game of building a successful business. 


Recent issues have shown how to avoid losing money on Facebook and Instagram paid ads with this science-backed strategy, how to build a pitch deck to raise money in 13 simple slides three tips, the monks used to improve concentration and get more done in less time, a five step process to survive and thrive when things get tough, how to optimize your sales team to grow your revenue in tons of other actionable, high percentage mind, body and business building tips and tricks. 


As a fellow entrepreneur who’s aiming for nothing short of success, you owe it to yourself to subscribe, check out the special offer with bonuses for you at be success secrets dot com. 


That’s b as in business success Secrets dot com. 


And until the next episode, remember you are just one business plan away, I’m rooting for your success

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